This XML schema defined the inner structure of a hit within the search result in the CLARIN federated content search (CLARIN-FCS).

Every hit in the result set must be represented at one <sru:record> in the <sru:searchRetrieveResponse;gt;.

It allows endpoint to return:

  • metadata about the matched record, including reference to a CMDI record
  • separate (metadata) description of full Resource and ResourceFragment (matching part of the resource, i.e. an addressable sentence)
  • providing metadata and content
  • various views on the data delivered (KWIC, text-snippet, image, individual annotation-layers, ...)
  • providing links (either as PID or as simple URLs) to any of: Resource, ResourceFragment, Metadata (CMDI record), DataViews
A one hit in a resource in one or more representations.

A one hit in a resource in one or more representations. Use this instead of a plain <Resource>, if the fragment can be addresses directly, e.g. a sentence in a corpus that can be addressed via a PID (with fragment) and/or a unique URI.

A representation of a hit, e.g. a KWIC, a geo location, an image, etc.

A KWIC DataView is mandatory.

The type of the content of the DataView as a MIME type. For the mandatory KWIC view, use "application/x-clarin-fcs-kwic+xml".

A persistent identifier of given entity. This attribute should be used, if a PID is available for the given entity.

An FCS endpoint should also <sru:record>/<sru:recordIdentifier> element. If more PIDs are available for one record (i.e. Resource, Metadata, DataView), the endpoint is supposed to put the "most important" (e.g. the primary) PID into <sru:recordIdentifier>

A URI for the given entity, that can be retrieved directly (via HTTP or HTTPS).