CMDI Metadata Service / Metadata Browser ======================================== This version is building upon the framework apache.Struts2 (Hopefully) all needed jars are included under: WebContent\WEB-INF\lib (Although this is probably not good subversion behaviour) Some XSLT2 xsl-library is needed. It was developed with saxon9: saxon9.jar, saxon9-dom.jar This is to be available to the servlet container eg. in /path_to_local/ApacheTomcat/lib It's being developed in eclipse, the .project-file is included. There is an ant-build for building and deploying. In one has to set the deploy.dir = /path_to_local/ApacheTomcat/webapps to be able to run target 'deploy-local' Or just run 'archive' and put the resulting MDService2.war in the appropriate webapps-folder of the servlet container used. in need to set the path to a local cache- and profile-folder: cache.path = /path_to_local/MDService_cache workspaceprofile.path = /path_to_local/MDService_profile Where you have to put then at least WorkspaceProfileServer.xml which carries the settings regarding the repositories. (new feature: dynamic repositores) So here you can list your own repository. The property: mdrepository.uri is currently still used as fall-back. Some more information starting from: Initial Import by and questions, comments, outrage to Matej