# # Modify this file to suit your environment. # The values of these properties will # override the values of properties of the # same name in the build.xml file. # # See build.xml for versions and descriptions # of each of the required JAR files. # # Use forward slashes for path names even if # you are in a Windows environment! # #==================== File and Directory Names ======================== app.name=MDService2 app.version=0.1 source.home=./src lib.home=./WebContent/WEB-INF/lib #used for Jar files that are needed for compiling #but should not be part of the war file lib.external=./lib_external webapp.home=./WebContent build.home=./build dist.home=./dist deploy.dir = C:/apps/apache-tomcat/webapps #deploy.dir = C:/apache-tomcat-6.0.26/webapps #==================== Compilation Control Options ===================== compile.debug=true compile.deprecation=false compile.optimize=true