GENERAL INFO: ------------- This package implements an SRU end point front end for a CQI Server. CQL queries are translated into CQP and sent to the CQI server then the result is written in SRU specific format. Currently only one corpus is supported. More Information about CQI: More Information about CWB: HOW TO USE: ----------- Make sure you have SRU/CQL Server package. Modify sru-server-config.xml to have information about your corpora. In addition you'll have to modify web.xml to contain the configuration of your CQI server, in particular the following params must be present: cqi.serverHost - the host name of your CQI server cqi.serverPort - the port of your CQI server cqi.serverUsername - the user name on your CQI server cqi.serverPassword - the password for the above user cqi.defaultCorpus - a corpus which will be used for all the queries cqi.defaultCorpusPID - the PID of the corpus above