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The 1274 revision provides the following functionality:

 added a new DC button to the basket menu

 added RDF as a representation for DC specifications



The 1266 revision provides the following functionality:

 optimized performance for generating the data for the DCS/profile tree view



The 1255 revision provides the following functionality:

 retain existing member status when updating a group

 fixed some REST API documentation issues

 fixed HTML rendering of the search results

 fixed rule type check in DCIF schema

 failed login now returns the proper HTTP response code

 updated jQuery to version 1.6.4



The 1229 revision provides the following functionality:

 the description of a new group is now correctly saved

 fixed handling of older invitations which still required a login

 optimized access to the database

 fixed problems with opening and closing language sections in the DC viewer

 updated the publications page

 fixed SVG view of the ISO 12620 data model



The 1211 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixed some more typos (thanks to Joanna Goodwin)

 to accept or decline an invitation one doesn’t need to login anymore, which sometimes clashed with a running ISOcat session in the same browser

 fixed read timestamp of the message to reflect the actual user read action

 limit the number of invitations send out to 25



The 1206 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixed some typos (thanks to Joanna Goodwin)

 improved search results (identifiers and names have higher weights)

 when a number, i.e., the unique number assigned to each DC, is entered in the search the result will be this DC



The 1203 revision provides the following functionality:

 removed the distinction between TDG judge and member

 upgrade to General Interface 3.9.1 which supports Firefox 4 and Internet Explorer 9

 fixed some DCS and Basket issues



The 1198 revision provides the following functionality:

 prevent cycles in the simple DC subsumption hierarchy

 fix in the DC editor: allow to save when the DC isA relation is cleared

 fixed trigger to reload a changed DCS

 the user can now change his/her password in the web interface [2839483]

 HTML rendering for DCSs now shows the is-a relationships between simple DCs in a value domain by indenting

 the DCS viewer embedded in the Change Request (CR) viewer has now an export and print button

 the CR DCS viewer nested in the users workspace has been removed



The 1186 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixed typo in nonPositiveInteger data type (thanks to Jussi Piitulainen)

 fixed version number in the DCIF 1.2 Relax NG schema (thanks to Micha Hulsbosch)

 fix in access control (thanks to Christina Hopperman)

 new HTML rendering for DCSs

 finetuning of the standardization process, e.g., now uses a timed ballot



The following pages have been updated:

 updated the tutorial presentations on the manual page with the ones used on the CLARIN-NL ISOcat workshop which took place in Utrecht on May 10, 2011

 updated the publication pages

 added a link to the CLARIN-NL Helpdesk ISOcat FAQ to the manual page



The 1159 revision provides the following functionality:

 suppress FF4 and IE9 warnings, first experiments seem to indicate that ISOcat works fine in these browsers

 updated the browser table; unfortunately the ISOcat UI currently crashes in Chrome 10

 properly render all kinds of groups, i.e., only members which accepted the invitation (if there was any)

 directly accept TDG and DCRB members

 non-English language sections are now by default hidden in the DC view, but can be expanded with a simple click



The 1148 revision provides the following functionality:

 better and more generic handling of paging of large DCSs/profiles

 DCIF import can now also handle container DCs

 optimized retrieval of DC access rights

 proper handling of DC references during submission

 submission or decision group members are always directly accepted

 first steps towards support for federated login using Shibboleth



The 1132 revision provides the following functionality:

 workaround the garbage default HTTP Accept header of WebKit browsers, i.e., Chrome and Safari

 support for a new type of data categories: container data categories; now every level in your data model can be associated with a data category specification

 added support for container data categories in version 1.2 of the DCIF Relax NG schema



The 1125 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixed a regression in saving the basket

 fixed some issues with the forum links



The 1121 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixed a bug in the hierarchical DCS/profile view

 added support for profile, workingLanguage and objectLanguage in all DCS types accessible by the ISOcat REST interface

 links to public fora don’t go via the login anymore

 selecting search text in Firefox has been fixed [2939417]

 added support for merging two (or more) user accounts, please contact the ISOcat system administration if you need this

 extended RDF export to include labels and comments for all available languages

 group membership now works with invitations send by email, only if the user accepts the invitation (s)he becomes an actual member of the group

 fixed some redirects

 DCSs of various types can now be exported as a Relax NG or XML Schema template


 added links to the user forum profile, which allows to send a mediated email, for DC owners



The 1081 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixed a bug in user registration

 skip pruning (removing DCs the user doesn’t have access to) of a profile/DCS if it only contains public DCs

 the presentations from the CLARIN-NL—Call 1— ISOcat status meeting are now available



The 1076 revision provides the following functionality:

 added the CLARIN ISOcat screencast to the manual page

 a fix to the Schematron rule to warn about languages which are yet unavailable in ISOcat, resulted in version 1.1.2 of the DCIF Relax NG schema



The 1072 revision provides the following functionality:

 first complete implementation of the standardization submission process, currently only available to TDG members

 the DCIF import process now also supports updates (if you want to bulk load DC(s) (updates) using DCIF contact the ISOcat system administration)

 fixed checking the validity of an user name, i.e., don’t allow a digit as the first character

 added dcr:valueDatcat element and attribute to version 1.1 of the DC Reference vocabulary


The 1029 revision provides the following functionality:

 more work on the standardization submission process, from which the first step, checking if a DCS can be submitted and to which TDG, is now publically available

 revision of the help pages

 added smartfeed to the forum

 if language specific stemming and stopping would result in an empty search string the search language is automatically changed into undefined; this fixes bug [3012390]

 fixed checking the validity of an user name, i.e., don’t allow spaces



The 1006 revision provides the following functionality:

 adhoc groups can now also request a forum

 more optimization of the DCIF generation

 added a page listing DCR/ISOcat related publications

 fixed regression in editing DCSs

 more work on the standardization submission process

 public release of the ISOcat forum



The 997 revision provides the following functionality:

 more work on the DCIF import process (if you want to bulk load DCs using DCIF contact the ISOcat system administration)

 more work on the forum integration (coming soon)

 the information in the startup popup has moved to the user overview, and the popup is disabled

 released version 1.1.1 of the DCIF Relax NG schema; which embeds a set of Schematron rules to check the referential integrity and also implements almost all of the OCL constraints in the full DCR data model

 paged loading of large DCSs and profiles

 fixed rendering of an empty DC context

 XML-based constraints are now embedded as XML fragments in DCIF documents; this fixes bug [2799874]

 working on DC versioning

 working on standardization submission process

 revision of the DCR Guidelines

 updated the publication list

 added a type parameter to the search web service, which allows to restrict the results to a specific DC type (simple, complex, open, constrained or closed)

 various fixes to speed up the loading of DCSs/profiles

 RDF export has been revised to be useful for more OWL (2) vocabularies/profiles



The 960 revision provides the following functionality:

 full support for maintaining profile value domains

 fixed in-page links in the context overlay

 released version 1.1 of the DCIF Relax NG schema

 more work on the DCIF import process

 added administration status to the DC viewer

 the DCS scope dialog now allows to propagate the public scope to the DCs (owned by the user) in the DCS

 TDGs can now own DCSs; so a completely external TDG like Language Codes can still cut up its DC set in manageable chunks

 more work on the forum integration

 added status and activity indicators to the TDG view

 properly reset the checker when loading another DC

 remember the position of the splitter between the DC view and the check results



The 943 revision provides the following functionality:

 work on the DCIF import process

 DCs reusing existing identifiers weren’t handled correctly

 the links offered to matching DCs during the identifier check in the DC editor now open up in a in-page window

 the identifier check can now also report private identifier doublets

 various UI issues

 replacing GI’s erratic autorows with our own and hopefully more stable mechanism

 various fixes to the DC Editor

 sorting in the context navigator

 trying to better limit resource consumption of background processes

 a data category should always be a member of at least one profile

 reordered elements in the DC viewer a bit to follow somewhat the order in the DC editor

 sort some DCIF elements on their id, so they will reflect creation order

 in the value or is-a selection dialogs preselect the already selected simple data categories



The 929 revision provides the following functionality:

 work on the ISOcat system administration NK plugin

 more work on integrating with a forum

 PIDs are now materialized in the database, so we can incorporate external DC PIDs, e.g., language codes from the ISO/CDB

 fixed some (FF 3.6) UI issues



The 922 revision provides the following functionality:

 worked around the Relax NG transreption error

 fixed scope bug for value domain query

 fixed some UI issues

 check DCs in the background and limit the resources consumed for that

 never cache the access rights to a DC(S)



The 914 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixed caching behavior with user profile updates

 when creating a group the owner data wasn’t properly shown

 only include the data categories in a (public) DCS or profile that the logged in user can actually access

 when the user’s first and last name are empty fallback to the login name

 PostgreSQL’s full text search doesn’t like colons, so those are replaced by a space

 added the presentations from the CLARIN-NL ISOcat tutorial to the manual page



The 910 revision provides the following functionality:

 first support for right-to-left languages

 sorting the language and linguistic sections

 fixed wrong xml:lang attribute in DCIF export

 added spyglasses to the DC editor, which provide help on what purpose the fields are intended for

 fixed opening of the help page

 fixed opening user profile editor

 getting ready for adding a forum

 updated the supported browser table

 provide more context information in the DC check messages

 fixed caching behavior in the registration process, which resulted in the failure of sending the emails

 fixed wrong variable which made it impossible to update a DCS



The 899 revision provides the following functionality:

 removed a repaint that made the workspace scrollbars reset

 tell which group is about to be deleted

 fixes for rendering problems with FF 3.6



The 896 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixes for rendering problems with FF 3.6 (?)

 the DC scope shouldn’t be cached

 first version of a mechanism to let a change event bubble up through the DCR network, e.g., from a DC to a DCS or profile

 the DCS viewer now also reacts when a DC has changed

 fixes and updates to the help pages

 added a more prominent entry link to the frontpage

 adapted  rendering of a TDG

 updated publications

 some TDG have no members which have an ISOcat account, so the TDG render should be able to cope with an empty list

 optimizing the usage of XSL on the client side by caching the compiled stylesheet

 now that DC identifiers are editable there is no need to jump to the origin field when an existing DC is loaded into the editor

 optimized load time by postponing the load of GUI related JavaScript classes till they component is actually used



The 881 revision provides the following functionality:

 work has started on the next development phase which will support the standardization process; this series of development releases will have the nickname Percival

 various optimizations to the database schema

 text areas and binding the Enter key to a default action didn’t work together; fixed now

 the owner of a group can now delete it

 when you leave the group editor with changes you’re now asked if you want to save them

 fixed regression in the scope editor

 the scope editor only show groups from the Private and Shared sections from the users workspace

 fixed nested doll scrollbars in the workspace viewer

 if the user is a member of a TDG it will also appear in the Private (if the user is the chair) or Shared (if the user is a judge or a regular member) sections of the workspace; the schema for the workspace resource now reflects this

 the chair of the TDG can now maintain it, i.e., change the description and add/remove members

 the chair of a TDG can give it access to a DCS (s)he owns

 tell which DCS will be deleted in the confirmation dialog



The 872 revision provides the following functionality:

 various fixes to cope with GI 3.9 changes/bugs

 fixed opening group editor



The 871 revision provides the following functionality:

 the search options overlay allows to tweak the parameters of a search, e.g., limit it to a specific profile

 in the HTML representation of a simple DC the is-a relationship was wrongfully glued into the description section, now it has become part of the general DC information

 when checking access rights for a group pick the first reference found in the users workspace; this fixes bug [2939438]

 upgraded to General Interface 3.9

 the owner of a DCS can now delete it; this partially implements feature request [2840196]



The 862 revision provides the following functionality:

 for guests by default open the public part of the workspace

 in DCIF select the linguistic sections that belong to a DC

 ISO 12620:2009 has been published

 on January 8, 2010, a workshop to discuss the requirements for a Relation Registry on top of the DCR was held in Nijmegen; there is now a web page from which the given presentations can be downloaded and a short summary of the results of the workshop is given



The 854 revision provides the following functionality:

 never cache a check result

 deleting profile membership didn’t work

 fulltext search is now completely rewritten

 some additional parameters for the search resource in the REST interface:

1. limit the answer size (default is 100)

2. language of the keywords (default is en (English))

3. search within a set of specific profiles

 different handling of the ‘Loading …’ overlay which made IE unstable; this also fixes bug [2355342]



The 843 revision provides the following functionality:

 in the DCIF value domains are now sorted on the DC name

 DCSs and profiles are now also sorted on the DC name

 context DCS or profile is set correctly again

 moved the ‘open in a detached window’ link closer to the default link

 made it more explicit when a linked DC is not part of the context DCS or profile

 fixed a corner case which could result in a lost update



The 839 revision provides the following functionality:

 the justification field in the DC Editor has gotten more space

 the basket was always exported using the default guest profile, which meant that private DCs were pruned away

 show a loading overlay while the DC Editor is still loading the DC

 update the window title of a detached DC viewer if another DC is loaded in it

 never cache a query result

 the DCS viewer now handles its loading overlay, which means that it also shown with a reload

 added a screencast on how to show the log window and send the messages to the ISOcat system administrator



The 833 revision provides the following functionality:

 the type of a DC can now be changed in the DC Editor

 the tree view now also works in a regular DCS

 selecting a DC in a detached DCS viewer, will also open a detached DC viewer

 added links to open related DCs in a/another detached DC viewer

 in the English language section editor the name section and the definition fields are indicated as mandatory

 added a rudimentary print action for DCSs and DCs



The 822 revision provides the following database cleanup:

 removed phantom, i.e., empty (data element) name sections and various texts (definitions, explanations, etc.) introduced by the autorow bug (fixed in the previous update)

 introduced the registration status ‘private’ for data categories which aren’t yet submitted to the standardization process

 the registration status of all data categories is now ‘private’, unless they had a ‘standard’ status in which case the status is now ‘candidate’

 all data category versions are now set to 0.0.0

 data categories owned by a TDG are now assigned to the chair of that TDG

This cleanup now makes it possible for TDG chairs to share previously standard data categories with members of their TDG (using the regular mechanisms supported by ISOcat), and thus start the cleanup process of the registry.



The 817 revision provides the following fixes to the DC Editor:

1. save button was never enabled due to change in the DC REST interface introduced in the previous update

2. after creating a language or linguistic section the language is checked in the appropriate language menu [2840115]

3. GI now returns the autorow as actual data leading to phantom rows in the database; now the autorows are pruned away before saving a DC [2839479]

4. added support for a spyglass to some tables, this enables one to see, for example, the full English definition while editing the French definition in a second language section editor by hovering over it

5. for closed DCs which are member of the private profile it is now possible to include any simple DC in their value domain, i.e., when there isn’t any profile overlap the simple DC is assigned to the private profile value domain



The 815 revision provides the following functionality:

 upgraded to General Interface 3.8.1

 updated the publication list

 DC PIDs are now redirected to the REST interface using HTTP code 307 (temporary redirect) to indicate that the client should keep on using the PID

 added handling of the view parameters profile, workingLanguage and objectLanguage to

1. the DC PID

2. the DC REST interface

3. the DCS REST interface

 upgraded to PostgreSQL 8.4.1

 extended the list of known languages



The 805 revision provides the following functionality:

 added a manual page to the portal site



The 804 revision provides the following functionality:

 some fixes for authorization problems

 open issue: when you mistype your credentials in the login dialog ISOcat and the browser may currently get out-of-sync as the browser may keep on using the wrong credentials [2866579]



The 802 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixed DC access problems

 keep the ranking of search results



The 800 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixed locking problems

 added reload button for the workspace

 reload the workspace when a DCS scope changes



The 796 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixed concurrency problems

 the scope of a DC(S) can now be changed, i.e., groups can be given read and write rights to a DCS (and its DCs) or a DC and/or a DC(S) can be made public



The 779 revision provides the following functionality:

 an overlay to display the change log of a DC

 switched to icons only to squeeze space in the toolbar

 the workspace tree now allows to just open and close the folders without directly selecting them

 fixed Google Chrome multiple-select issue

 optimized loading time of (ad-hoc) DCSs



The 771 revision provides the following functionality:

 a first version of the group editor and viewer

 fixed error checking in the DC editor [2840120]

 more fixes to the DC editor

 fixed concurrency problems



The 739 revision provides the following functionality:

 more fixes to the DC editor

 more fixes to handle empty inputs

 clicking the reload button in the DCS viewer now always invalidates the cached DCS, i.e., one can force a DCS to be regenerated to see DC name changes

 fixes to the algorithm to determine an appropriate name of a DC



The 731 revision provides the following functionality:

 when during the recover action to retrieve lost credentials multiple accounts for the same email address are found, all these accounts will be reset

 included the recover action in the welcome menu

 fixed some DC editor issues

 upgraded to General Interface 3.8 (the open source release is now managed by the Dojo Foundation instead of TIBCO)

 fixed concurrency problems which would make user sessions inaccessible

 after saving a DC the user is now asked if she wants to add it to the basket

 the help page is now opened in a separate browser window instead of a dialog

 the help pages have been completely revised and updated



The 707 revision provides the following functionality:

 a poor man’s ranking scheme for search results while waiting for real full text search

 don’t sort search results on the DC names

 changed simple login into session management

 put basic messaging infrastructure into place

 the editor now locks the DC, so no changes get lost

 optimized profile/DCS requests

 better caching performance

 fixed some concurrency issues

 upgraded to TIBCO General Interface



The 671 revision provides the following functionality:

 extension to the RESTful interface

 fixes to some schemata

 updated the ISO 12620 data model figures



The 664 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixes to the DCS access control

 the basket service from the RESTful web service interface also became user specific

 the DC viewer now supports an explorer overlay, which allows to navigate through the version history, the is-a relationships and the value domain relationships

 the “new DCS” button now works

 added button to remove the selected DCs from the basket



The 646 revision provides the following functionality:

 fixes to the DCS access control

 fixes to the internal RESTful interface for DC(S)s



The 643 revision provides the following functionality:

 upgrade to TIBCO General Interface 3.7.1, which supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 8

 some icon URLs were not properly rewritten

 fixed some IE-specific JavaScript problems



The 638 revision provides the following functionality:

 the DC editor

1. editing conceptual domains and linguistic sections

2. editing the identifier

3. added check that the identifier is a proper local part of an XML QName

4. numerous fixes to the backend code

 access control for private DC(S)s has been implemented

 search now also returns private DCs

 added tracking and tracing facilities to the backend

 updated the ISO 12620 model

 various fixes to the DCIF

 by default use the flat DCS view

 fixes to the website to support IE8

 fixed and closed the following bug reports:

1. [2308461] Firefox shows default password dialog

2. [2355296] block private DCs

3. [2661026] Firefox pops up default password dialog

4. [2355294] search should also return private DCs

Note: with this revision IE8 isn’t yet fully supported by the ISOcat web interface, for this we need to wait for the next release of TIBCO General Interface.



The 607 revision provides the following functionality:

 some updates to the ISOcat RESTful web services interface

 refactored the DCS viewer and reused this component now at various places leading to more uniformity in functionality



The 594 revision provides the following functionality:

 the ISO 12620 page now contains the latest DCR data model diagrams, and now also includes the new overview diagram as well as a link to a PDF document containing all diagrams

 the prominent link to the Tilburg workshop has been removed, notice that the workshop page is still available but submission of the TDG survey has been disabled



The 593 revision provides the following functionality:

 the Data Category editor now supports the editing the data type of a complex Data Category, and specifying the value domain of a closed Data Category



The 587 revision provides the following functionality:

 upgrade to TIBCO GI 3.7, which supports Google Chrome

 a fresh, and the last, import of SYNTAX, which fixes issues with non-English Name Sections

 more work on the ISOcat RESTful web services interface

 synchronization of the data model with the latest draft of ISO 12620

 fixes to increase the stability of the server

 the full name field in the user profile is now split into a first and last name field

 new users now need to accept a disclaimer



The 563 revision provides the following functionality:

 a fresh import of SYNTAX, where the import process has been fixed to better determine the type of complex Data Categories

 a description of the ISOcat RESTful web services interface

 various fixes to make the actual interface comply with this description

 made the various New buttons in the web interface explicit


Even older news

ISO TC 37 Terminology and Other Language and Content Resources