CLARIN to IMDI, DATE: 2009-08-13 Helsinki Corpus of Older Scots (HCOS) Helsinki Corpus of Older Scots (HCOS) A balanced multi-genre corpus modelled on the Helsinki Corpus, covering the years 1450-1700. Unknown -- language not in list -- Unknown Unknown Unknown ISO639-3:eng English Unknown Unknown Unknown Written Corpus Electronic (plain text) <Id/> <Contact/> </Project> <Publisher>Department of English, University of Helsinki</Publisher> <Author/> <Size>Collection: 800,000 words</Size> <DistributionForm/> <Access> <Availability>available on the internet</Availability> <Date/> <Owner/> <Publisher/> <Contact/> </Access> <Pricing/> <ReferenceLink></ReferenceLink> <MetadataLink></MetadataLink> <Publications>Meurman-Solin, Anneli (1995). 'A New Tool: The Helsinki Corpus of Older Scots (1450-1700)', ICAME Journal, Vol. 19: 49-62 (, Meurman-Solin, Anneli (1993). Variation and change in early Scottish prose. Studies based on the Helsinki Corpus of Older Scots (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Diss. Humanarum Litterarum, 65). Helsinki.</Publications> <Keys> <Key Name="NodeId">1188</Key> <Key Name="VersionId">2329</Key> <Key Name="OtherLanguages">Scots</Key> <Key Name="CollectionLocation">Various copies at VARIENG. Distributed through ICAME and OTA.</Key> </Keys> </Catalogue> </METATRANSCRIPT>