CLARIN to IMDI, DATE: 2009-08-13 Gallica corpus of the French National Library Gallica corpus of the French National Library Digitized printed French texts from the collections of the French National Library; especially good coverage of the period of the revolution. Full text search not available. ISO639-3:fra French Unknown Unknown Unknown Written Corpus <Id/> <Contact/> </Project> <Publisher>Department of History and Ethnology, University of Jyv</Publisher> <Author/> <Size>Collection: tens of thousands of entries</Size> <DistributionForm/> <Access> <Availability/> <Date/> <Owner/> <Publisher/> <Contact/> </Access> <Pricing/> <ContactPerson>Pasi Ihalainen pasi.ihalainen(at) </ContactPerson> <Keys> <Key Name="NodeId">1250</Key> <Key Name="VersionId">2405</Key> </Keys> </Catalogue> </METATRANSCRIPT>