CLARIN to IMDI, DATE: 2009-08-13 Syntax Archive Data (= Lauseopin arkisto) Syntax Archive Data (= Lauseopin arkisto) The data is owned by the Research Institute for the Languages in Finland and the Department of Finnish and Generel Linguistics at the University of Turku. The Syntax Archive Data contains dialects from 132 Finnish parishes (one hour from each parish) and literary Finnish (40 units). ISO639-3:fin Finnish Unknown Unknown Unknown Finland Spoken Corpus Written Corpus <Id/> <Contact/> </Project> <Publisher>Research Institute for the Languages of Finland</Publisher> <Author/> <Size>Collection: about 1 million word tokens in total</Size> <DistributionForm/> <Access> <Availability/> <Date/> <Owner/> <Publisher/> <Contact/> </Access> <Pricing/> <ContactPerson>Mikko Lounela and Toni Suutari, firstname.lastname[a]</ContactPerson> <Keys> <Key Name="NodeId">1273</Key> <Key Name="VersionId">2428</Key> </Keys> </Catalogue> </METATRANSCRIPT>