CLARIN to IMDI, DATE: 2009-08-13 nternational Corpus of English: UK (ICE-GB) nternational Corpus of English: UK (ICE-GB) 1 million words spoken and written English from UK. POS-tagged and parsed. Digitised speech recordings aligned w text. Part of the International Corpus of English (ICE). ISO639-3:eng English Unknown Unknown Unknown United Kingdom Multimodal Corpus Spoken Corpus Written Corpus 1998 <Id/> <Contact/> </Project> <Publisher>Survey of English Usage, University College London </Publisher> <Author/> <Size/> <DistributionForm/> <Access> <Availability/> <Date/> <Owner/> <Publisher/> <Contact/> </Access> <Pricing/> <ContactPerson>Bas Aarts </ContactPerson> <ReferenceLink></ReferenceLink> <Keys> <Key Name="NodeId">1413</Key> <Key Name="VersionId">2649</Key> </Keys> </Catalogue> </METATRANSCRIPT>