Name: west.jar - checks status of a WebLicht web service provided its PID and harvested CMD metadata. Requirements: JDK 1.6 Usage: java -jar west.jar [CMDs] [PID] [CMDs] XML file containing CMD metadata on all the WebLicht web services from the harvester. It is used by the WEbServiceTester to extract the information about service input and output features. It is located at (username & password required): The file is updated once per day. [PID] PID of the service to be tested. The list of all the WebLicht web services is located at (username & password required): Additionally, this list contains organization name and contact e-mail. The e-mail is provided in order to inform service developers when the status of the service is other then OK. The list is updated once per day. Remarks: The massage printed to the standard output provides url to the detailed information about the service status. This jar should not be executed too often for the same service/server, since some services/servers may become unresponsive when called too often. Running it once in a couple of hours should be enough. is not required any more, the west.jar tests all WebLicht services including the convert-all service.