DCR Board meeting and ISOcat workshop
January 7 and 8, 2009

The ISOcat presentation is now available for download [ PDF | PPTX ]. We like to thank all participants for their valuable input!


During the SC 3 plenary in Moscow, the following schedule for implementation of the Data Category Registry together with the constitution of the DCR Board was adopted:

DCR Board Meeting in Nijmegen - Request for nomination ballots for TDGs-members to the SC secretariats
SC secretariats Call for nominations for TDGs members to the P-members of the relevant SCs
P-members of SCs Nominations for TDGs (members and proposals for chairs)
SC secretariats Forward nominations to DCR board
DCR Board Establish TDGs

The decision has been made to hold this DCR Board meeting in Tilburg instead of in Nijmegen in conjunction with the meetings of SC 4 and the Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics on the 7th and 8th of January. The DCR Board meeting will be held in order to formally establish the TDGs and to assign them to respective SCs so that it will possible to reconstitute the TDGs under the aegis of the DCR Board.

At the same time, the ISOcat development team is poised to launch ISOcat and has planned a tutorial to be held on Wednesday afternoon, followed by meetings to discuss the issues on the attached agenda concerning further development of ISOcat and implementation of procedures supporting the standardization process in ISOcat software.

Participants are invited to participate in the IWCS-8 reception on Wednesday evening and in the IWCS-8 excursion and conference dinner on Thursday evening for a fee of 25 euros. There is no extra charge for your actual participation in the ISOcat workshop and meetings, but the conference organizers would appreciate it if everyone goes to their registration page and formally registers. You pay the 25 euros when you arrive at the conference site (30 if you pay online), but you need to sign up ahead of time. Registration site: https://www.softconf.com/s08/iwcs8/cgi-bin/scmd.cgi?scmd=people&pageid=0


Wednesday, 2009-01-07 (02:00 – 3:30 hrs)
University of Tilburg, Room DZ 10, Dante Building
  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Roll call of delegates
  3. Adoption of the agenda
  4. Appointment of the drafting committee
  5. Report on appointments to the DCR Board
  6. Constitution of SC-Level thematic domain committees
  7. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting
  8. Any other business

Wednesday, 2009-01-07 (4:00 – 5:00 hrs)
University of Tilburg, Room DZ 10, Dante Building
  1. ISOcat demo and tutorial
  1. IWCS-8 reception
Thursday, 2009-01-08 (09:00 – 3:30 hrs)
University of Tilburg, Room DZ 10, Dante Building
  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Roll call of delegates
  3. Adoption of the agenda
  4. Appointment of the drafting committee
  5. Report on the ISOcat project [ PDF | PPTX ]

    DCR implementation:
    ISOcat introduction, demonstration & tutorial
    DCR organization:
    TDG organization; guidelines for DC specifications
    Procedures for reviewing existing DC specifications & adding new ones
    DCR output formats and applications:
    Embedding DC persistent identifiers (PIDs) in schemata and other resources
    DCS-based templates for schemata/resources:
    • XML Schema/Relax NG, RDF(S)/OWL, ...
    • DCIF-based stylesheets: constructing ISOcat XSLT stylesheets plug-ins to generate other schema/resource templates, e.g. TBX-based templates
    DCR neighbourhood planning:
    Mirrors of the TC37 DCR
    Separate DCR instances (e.g., TBX meta-data categories)
    Other types of registries (e.g., relation registries)

  6. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting
  7. Any other business
  1. IWCS-8 excursion
  2. IWCS-8 conference diner


Please register for the DCR Board meeting and/or the ISOcat workshop by filling out the TDG survey.

Please also register at IWCS-8. You do not have to pay any registration fee, but the organizers need to know who will be attending. You have the option to sign up for an excursion and a nice banquet dinner on Thursday afternoon for a cost of 25 euros, to be paid in Tilburg.

TDG survey

The ISOcat workshop also signals the beginning of our switch from the SYNTAX DCR implementation to the ISOcat implementation. Part of that process is a survey of the Thematic Domain Groups (TDGs). TDG chairs in particular are requested to fill out the TDG-related description section of the survey.


For any additional information feel free to contact one of the organizers:

  1. Marc Kemps-Snijders
  2. Menzo Windhouwer
  3. Sue Ellen Wright