Meeting setup
This meeting will take place on the web on Monday, 2011-05-16 (14:00 - 16:00 CET).
The video conference package used is FlashMeeting:
- the meeting URL is
- the meeting has been recorded and after checking everybodies setup the actual meeting starts at the event marked as 'pewi 30:29'
- shortly before 14:00 CET you can log into the meeting as guest
- here is the Flashmeeting Quickstart guide
- FlashMeeting is Flash based, so you'll need to have Adobe Flash Plugin version 8 or greater installed (you can test your version here)
- there are also some guidelines on how to use FlashMeeting during this TDG meeting
To participate in the standardization process in ISOcat:
- you should have registered in ISOcat and know your credentials
- if you lost your credentials you can use the Recover action in the Welcome menu (upper right corner), the dialog will ask you for the email address you've used during registration
- if you didn't register yet, please signup before Monday and contact Menzo Windhouwer so you can become a member of the Metadata TDG
Note: During the meeting the ISOcat test server will be used. Lateron the actual standardization process will take place on the ISOcat production server.
14:00 - 14:05 Welcome - Peter
14:05 - 14:15 Technicalities - Menzo
14:15 - 14:30 The Data Category Registry and ISO standardization - Sue Ellen
14:30 - 14:45 The Metadata TDG - Peter
14:45 - 15:00 How to do the TDG part of the standardization workflow in ISOcat - Menzo
15:00 - 15:15 What is a proper data category specification? - Sue Ellen
15:15 - 15:30 Inspection of some example metadata data categories - Peter
15:30 - 15:45 Discussion
15:45 - 16:00 Wrapup/overflow
- FlashMeeting guidelines (pptx)
- The DCR and Standardization presentation (pptx)
- The Metadata TDG presentation (pptx)
- procedure document
- procedure presentation (pptx)
- The DC Specification Form presentation (pptx)
- submission DCS (pdf)
- Menzo will resend all URLs showing where to find documents, info of how to get on the forum, etc.
- see the submission discussion forum (notice you need to login with your (lux13) ISOcat credentials to be able to post messages in the various topics Sue Ellen has started)
- Peter will update list of TDG members
- The next two weeks should be used by extensive “playing and testing” of the tools and the process. Problems of all sort should be communicated directly with Menzo
- Menzo will be available to answer emails and is ready to do skype sessions on all technicalities to get a quick start
- there is a Doodle which can be used to plan a web meeting if you need assistance or want to discuss an issue in person
- Everyone is encouraged to test out things on the test server and nothing can go wrong
- Sue Ellen and Menzo are available for hands-on meetings with small groups of you to get a quick start. A Doodle will be distributed where everyone should insert available times during the coming days. Menzo and Sue Elllen will make suggestions
- Sue Ellen has created a small (six DCs) subset of the submission set for an initial discussion. You can see this subset in the Athens Core slot rather than in the Submission folder because Sue Ellen can't post a new subset to that folder. She will circulate an email with a pptx showing some pointers about the subset and an html, which is a printout of the standardizable content of this small subset. She has also created a topic in the Submission Forum with comments and questions about each of the DCs in the subset. The pptx file repeats info on how to find the forum. Everyone is encouraged to comment on the indivdual items or on the group as a whole. Let Menzo and Sue Ellen know if you have problems with the forum
- Let's stay on the Lux13 test server for this discussion and work out kinks. Then when we jump to ISOcat, Sue Ellen will enter the agreed changes in the real server and the prepare the next Discussion subset
- Peter will contact those who could not participate
- We should plan a next joint meeting to synch about the experiences
- Menzo will send a doc about the relation registry activities
For any additional information feel free to contact the organizers:
- Peter Wittenburg (MPI for Psycholinguistics)
- Sue Ellen Wright (Kent State University)
- Menzo Windhouwer (MPI for Psycholinguistics)